Legal Notice
General terms and conditions of use of the website operated by Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”)
By visiting the Website you agree to be bound by the relevant laws on protection of personal and public data, Hungarian copyright and other relevant laws and regulations.
By accessing and browsing the content of the Website and browsing its pages, you agree to the terms of use contained in this notice without any limitation or reservation.
It is of utmost importance for Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC to protect the personal data of the visitors, to guarantee visitors’ right to information self-determination, and to ensure safe browsing for which it has taken the necessary technical, security and organizational measures.
The cookie policy contains further information about the data processing while visiting the Website.
You can learn about the processing of personal data by Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC here:
Limitation of Liability
Visitors and users of the service of Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC accept that
· visiting or using the Website for any purpose is at their sole discretion, risk and liability, and any information downloaded and acquired through the Website is used by them voluntarily, at their sole discretion and at their sole risk;
· Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC and the creators and operators of the Website shall not be liable for any error, detriment or damage that may arise by visiting or using the Website;
· Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage or cost arisen due to the improper operation or interruption of the Website or in connection with the contents of and the data and other information available on or through the Website, including but not limited to their accuracy, currency, completeness, validity, suitability for a particular purpose, reliability or validity;
· Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC reserves the right to change the content of the Website from time to time without notice, or to terminate or suspend some or all of its services;
· The website may be linked to other websites, the usability of which is monitored by Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC however, it disclaims any liability for their content and for any detriment or damage arising from the use thereof;
· Any content published on the Website is for informational purposes only and shall under no circumstances constitute advice or recommendation, nor may serve as a basis for any decision or action, including but not limited to medical information which cannot substitute proper medical advice accompanied by detailed information.
Copyrights and Visitor Communications
All information on the Website, including all information about the overall design and atmosphere of the site, and all image and textual content, is protected by copyright and industrial property laws. The relevant rights are exclusively owned by Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC.
You may download information from the Website of Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC and display the same in any form for personal use only, in accordance with the provisions of the copyright law, and it may not directly or indirectly serve the purpose of generating or increasing financial income. Any information and data used in this manner must be accompanied by the relevant notices on copyright and other intellectual property rights. When citing any literature or scientific work on the site for free use, the source and the author of the work must be identified.
Neither you nor any third party shall use or modify, in whole or in part, the contents of the Website for any publicity or commercial purpose without the prior written consent of Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC.
No information on trademarks, patents, other proprietary rights and products contained in the portal system of the Website, including information available through the links, shall in any way be construed as a right or license granted to you. Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC. does not assign or transfer any of its rights to the visitor of the Website.
The names, proprietary and domain names appearing on the Website are the property of Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC, all rights in and to these are reserved, and they shall not be used for business purposes.
Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC does not warrant any information owned by a third party; using or downloading such information requires the consent of third-party owner.
The content of the Website and the information uploaded there are constantly monitored for the purpose of filtering information that is incompatible with ethical principles, protecting the rights of third parties, and enforcing laws and regulations. The operator of the Website is entitled to delete any unauthorized content. While using the Website you agree not to upload any data or information that would be contrary to the law. Furthermore, you acknowledge that you shall be liable for damages in connection with the foregoing.
Except for links to our home page, it is strictly forbidden to place any link or to frame the pages without our prior written consent.
Depending on the value of the dispute the Central District Court of Pest, the Budapest- Capital Regional Court and the Budapest Environs Regional Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to decide on the dispute concerning the Website.
The Website is operated by Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC (1106 Budapest, Keresztúri út 30-38.)
For further information please contact us on